Fat fires

Fat fires and flare ups are a risk when barbecuing if the barbecue has not been maintained or is not used correctly.
This is not inherent to Grillstream barbecues, using any Gas or Charcoal appliance can carry the same risks. Here we explain how and why this can happen, and what to do should your barbecue have a fat fire. It is important never to leave your barbecue unattended.
Fat fires can occur if fat has been allowed to collect within your barbecue and then ignites. This can be a result of incorrectly installed grills or fat channel, if the barbecue has not been positioned on a level surface, or if it has not been regularly cleaned and checked for fat deposits.
How to avoid fat fires
Fat fires are the result of misuse of your barbecue, by following these two key steps you are helping to avoid fat fires in your barbecue. The key with Grillstream is to ensure that the grills are at the correct angle by ensuring that your barbecue is stood on a solid level surface.
Clean both layers of your grills by scraping them before and after every use of the barbecue. Perform a thorough or deep clean when required and check for fat deposits on and under the grills on the drip tray.
Be prepared
You SHOULD NOT tackle any fire if you are not confident to do so, please call the fire brigade if you feel that you cannot safely extinguish the fire, or that it is getting out of control.
If you do have a fat fire, the best thing to do is to first switch off the gas supply at the regulator if it is safe to do so. Then you can throw baking soda over the flames, this quickly cuts off the oxygen supply to the fire. If the fire gets out of control and you are not confident enough to handle it, please call the fire brigade.
NEVER use water to attempt to extinguish a fat fire, this will make the fire worse and could cause serious damage or injury
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